
PrimeNg- p-dropdown tooltip on hover

I have a p-dropdown component on my App. Its' configured like this:

                 dropdownIcon="fa fa-angle-down"
                 placeholder="Select a Primary Target"

I need to show the description for each target on Hover I read the PrimeNg documentation and says that the tooltip configuration does that. The problem is that I'm not seing anything:

enter image description here

What I need to see is something like this:

enter image description here

With the black tooltip on hover.

I already tried to hardcode some text on the tooltip and still doesn't show anything.

What I'm missing here?


  • You could user PrimeNG Tooltip along with template for the drop down (see Custom Content here)

        dropdownIcon="fa fa-angle-down"
        placeholder="Select a Primary Target">
            <ng-template let-item pTemplate="selectedItem">
                <span style="vertical-align:middle">{{item.label}}</span>
            <ng-template let-target pTemplate="item">
                <div class="ui-helper-clearfix" style="position: relative;height:25px;" pTooltip="{{getTargetDescription(target)}}" tooltipPosition="top">
                    <span style="font-size:14px;float:right;margin-top:4px">{{target.label}}</span>