I have a program written with node js
that I want to bundle and distribute as "stand-alone" executable program.
I want to run the program through cmd
only with the the executable file name (without using npm run start
or node file.js
). i.e. my_program arguments
What is the most recommended way to achieve this?
There are several options you can choose from. I would recommend checking out Pkg.
With Pkg, you can package your node application into a single executable for Windows, Linux or Mac.
Simply install Pkg globally on your machine by running the command:
npm install -g pkg
and then add your point of entry to the package.json file as shown below:
"bin": "bin.js" // or whatever your point of entry is
Afterwards, from your app directory simply run the command
pkg .
This would build the executables for Windows, Linux and MacOS.
You can execute the executable by running:
Windows: your_exec-win.exe # windows
Linux: chmod u+x your_exec-linux; ./your_exec-linux