I have a Jython 2.7 script that receives a URL and uses the parameters/values in the URL to create or update records.
from psdi.server import MXServer from psdi.mbo import MboSet resp = {} wonum = request.getQueryParam("wonum") description = request.getQueryParam("description") classstructureid = request.getQueryParam("classstructureid") wopriority = request.getQueryParam("wopriority") worktype = request.getQueryParam("worktype")
woset = MXServer.getMXServer().getMboSet("workorder",request.getUserInfo()) whereClause = "wonum= '" + wonum + "'" woset.setWhere(whereClause) woset.reset() woMbo = woset.moveFirst()
#If workorder already exists, update it: if woMbo is not None: woMbo.setValue("description", description) woMbo.setValue("classstructureid", classstructureid) woMbo.setValue("wopriority", wopriority) woMbo.setValue("worktype", worktype) woset.save() woset.clear() woset.close() resp[0]='Updated workorder ' + wonum #Else, create a new workorder else: woMbo=woset.add() woMbo.setValue("wonum",wonum) woMbo.setValue("description", description) woMbo.setValue("classstructureid", classstructureid) woMbo.setValue("wopriority", wopriority) woMbo.setValue("worktype", worktype) woset.save() woset.clear() woset.close() resp[0]='Created workorder ' + wonum responseBody =resp[0]
Unfortunately, the field names/values are hardcoded in 3 different places in the script.
I would like to enhance the script so that it is dynamic -- not hardcoded.
Is it possible to do this?
Assuming you are working always with the same query parameters, rather than define variables, loop through a list of strings and put them as key-value pairs
To populate
items = ["wonum", "description"]
resp = {k: request.getQueryParam(k) for k in items}
Then to set
for i in items:
woMbo.setValue(i, resp[i])
Otherwise, you are looking for URL parsing
and the getQuery
method, followed by a split("=")
, giving you ["wonum", "WO0001", "description", "Legacy"]
, for example, and you can loop over every other element to get you dynamic entries
l = ["wonum", "WO0001", "description", "Legacy"]
for i in range(0, len(l)-1, 2):
key:wonum value:WO0001
key:description value:Legacy
Note: This is subject to SQL injection attacks, and should be fixed
whereClause = "wonum= '" + wonum + "'"