I’m trying to combine the envsubst command with an external sql file passed as an option to ogr2ogr, but can't quite get it work.
export STOP_NAME=Park;
ogr2ogr \
-f geojson \
/vsistdout/ \
stops.csv \
-dialect sqlite \
-sql envsubst < @stop_geo.sql
Where stop_geo.sql is:
FROM stops
WHERE stop_name = '$STOP_NAME'
This errors out with:
Warning 1: layer names ignored in combination with -sql.
ERROR 1: In ExecuteSQL(): sqlite3_prepare_v2(envsubst):
near "envsubst": syntax error
Is there any way to replace the environment variable in the external sql file within the ogr2ogr -sql command option?
The envsubst command needs to be wrapped in a quoted command substitution (i.e., "$()"). Instead of using the @ syntax as mentioned in the ogr2ogr sql documentation, it simply needs to be read in using the common < operator.
export STOP_NAME=Park;
ogr2ogr \
-f geojson \
/vsistdout/ \
stops.csv \
-dialect sqlite \
-sql "$(envsubst < stop_geo.sql)"