
Set span size in Paging Library with GridLayoutManager

set span size to 1 in GridLayoutManager when LoadState is Loading in Paging Library. I have tried this solution but it's not working.

For replicate issue: clone this official repo and set GridLayoutManager in SearchRepositoriesActivity

My code is here


private val adapter = MoviesAdapter()
private fun initAdapter() {
    val decoration = DividerItemDecoration(requireContext(), DividerItemDecoration.VERTICAL)
    binding.rvMovies.layoutManager = GridLayoutManager(requireContext(), 2)
    binding.rvMovies.isNestedScrollingEnabled = true
    binding.rvMovies.adapter = adapter.withLoadStateFooter(
        footer = MoviesLoadStateAdapter { adapter.retry() }


class MoviesAdapter(
) : PagingDataAdapter<Movie, MoviesAdapter.ViewHolder>(MOVIE_COMPARATOR) {

override fun onCreateViewHolder(parent: ViewGroup, viewType: Int): ViewHolder {
    val view = ItemMovieListBinding.inflate(LayoutInflater.from(parent.context))
    return ViewHolder(view)

override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: ViewHolder, position: Int) {
    val movie = getItem(position)
    if (movie != null) {
        val viewModel = MovieListItemViewModel(movie)

inner class ViewHolder(var viewBinding: ItemMovieListBinding) :
    RecyclerView.ViewHolder(viewBinding.root) {
    fun bind(viewModel: MovieListItemViewModel) {
        viewBinding.viewModel = viewModel


companion object {
    private val MOVIE_COMPARATOR = object : DiffUtil.ItemCallback<Movie>() {
        override fun areItemsTheSame(oldItem: Movie, newItem: Movie): Boolean =

        override fun areContentsTheSame(oldItem: Movie, newItem: Movie): Boolean =
            oldItem == newItem


class MoviesLoadStateAdapter(private val retry : () -> Unit) :

override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: MoviesLoadStateViewHolder, loadState: LoadState) {

override fun onCreateViewHolder(
    parent: ViewGroup,
    loadState: LoadState
): MoviesLoadStateViewHolder {
    val view = LayoutInflater.from(parent.context)
        .inflate(R.layout.item_movie_load_state_footer_view, parent, false)
    val binding = ItemMovieLoadStateFooterViewBinding.bind(view)
    return MoviesLoadStateViewHolder(binding, retry)


inner class MoviesLoadStateViewHolder(private val binding: ItemMovieLoadStateFooterViewBinding,
retry : ()-> Unit) :
    RecyclerView.ViewHolder(binding.root) {
    init {
        binding.retryButton.setOnClickListener {
    fun bind(loadState : LoadState){
        if(loadState is LoadState.Error){
            binding.errorMsg.text = loadState.error.localizedMessage
        binding.progressBar.visibility  = toVisibility(loadState is LoadState.Loading)

Here goal is ProgressBar should show in centre of screen.

enter image description here


  • I solved it. this is my code

    In your Activity

    val gridLayoutManager = GridLayoutManager(activity, 2)
        gridLayoutManager.spanSizeLookup = object : GridLayoutManager.SpanSizeLookup() {
            override fun getSpanSize(position: Int): Int {
                val viewType = wallpaperAdapter.getItemViewType(position)
                return if(viewType == WALLPAPER_VIEW_TYPE) 1
                else 2
        binding.recyclerView.apply {
            this.layoutManager = gridLayoutManager
            this.adapter = wallpaperAdapter

    In your PagingDataAdapter

    override fun getItemViewType(position: Int): Int {
        if (position == itemCount){
            return NETWORK_VIEW_TYPE
        }else {
            return WALLPAPER_VIEW_TYPE

    Hope it will work for you.