
Opening and using a database from another view controller

I have created a database in one view controller and I would like to open it and access it in another view controller. I was wondering how to open up a existing database from one view controller in another view controller. I intend to open up the database and be able to update a row, so I would also need access to the "parts" (ex. id, name, email). Could you help me? Anything would be helpful. Thanks!


  • You can access your DB from any VC. Code (which you will probably use anywhere you want to access your DB from) would be like

    let path = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(
                .documentDirectory, .userDomainMask, true
    do {
                    let db = try Connection("\(path)/<your.db.filename>")
                    let recordsTable = Table("records")
                    //or whatever you'd like to do, extract, modify, insert or delete
    catch let error {
                print("Data operation failed for records table: \(error)")

    Instead of copying same code all over your project, you can separately create your own class for any of your DB operations and access it from anywhere:

        class DatabaseOps {
        func getHighscoreTable() -> Array<HighScoreDataArray> {
                let path = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(
                    .documentDirectory, .userDomainMask, true
                var highscores = [HighScoreDataArray]()
                    do {
                        let db = try Connection("\(path)/tasksolver.db")
                        let score = Expression<Int>("Score")
                        let username = Expression<String>("Username")
                        let recordsTable = Table("records").order(score.desc).limit(10)
                            for row in try db.prepare(recordsTable) {
                                let highscore = HighScoreDataArray(score: Int(row[score]), username: String(row[username]))
                                highscores += [highscore]
                        }     catch let error {
                        print("Data operation failed for records table: \(error)")
        return highscores
        class RecordsViewController: UIViewController, UITableViewDelegate, UITableViewDataSource {
        var myDb : DatabaseOps = DatabaseOps()
        //get the data from database by using myDB method
        myHighScoreTable = myDb.getHighscoreTable()

    Also, before you try it in different VCs - don't forget to make sure you have your DB file in place. If it is not, let db = try Connection will create an empty database for you, which will not contain any of your data or tables you want to access.