I have created a database in one view controller and I would like to open it and access it in another view controller. I was wondering how to open up a existing database from one view controller in another view controller. I intend to open up the database and be able to update a row, so I would also need access to the "parts" (ex. id, name, email). Could you help me? Anything would be helpful. Thanks!
You can access your DB from any VC. Code (which you will probably use anywhere you want to access your DB from) would be like
let path = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(
.documentDirectory, .userDomainMask, true
do {
let db = try Connection("\(path)/<your.db.filename>")
let recordsTable = Table("records")
//or whatever you'd like to do, extract, modify, insert or delete
catch let error {
print("Data operation failed for records table: \(error)")
Instead of copying same code all over your project, you can separately create your own class for any of your DB operations and access it from anywhere:
class DatabaseOps {
func getHighscoreTable() -> Array<HighScoreDataArray> {
let path = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(
.documentDirectory, .userDomainMask, true
var highscores = [HighScoreDataArray]()
do {
let db = try Connection("\(path)/tasksolver.db")
let score = Expression<Int>("Score")
let username = Expression<String>("Username")
let recordsTable = Table("records").order(score.desc).limit(10)
for row in try db.prepare(recordsTable) {
let highscore = HighScoreDataArray(score: Int(row[score]), username: String(row[username]))
highscores += [highscore]
} catch let error {
print("Data operation failed for records table: \(error)")
return highscores
class RecordsViewController: UIViewController, UITableViewDelegate, UITableViewDataSource {
var myDb : DatabaseOps = DatabaseOps()
//get the data from database by using myDB method
myHighScoreTable = myDb.getHighscoreTable()
Also, before you try it in different VCs - don't forget to make sure you have your DB file in place. If it is not, let db = try Connection will create an empty database for you, which will not contain any of your data or tables you want to access.