
Do tagless algebra needs laws?

I read the wonderful blog from JOHN A DE GOES regarding to tagless final. In the section 5.Fake Abstraction, he has mentioned:

Unfortunately, these operations satisfy no algebraic laws—none whatsoever! This means when we are writing polymorphic code, we have no way to reason generically about putStrLn and getStrLn.

For all we know, these operations could be launching threads, creating or deleting files, running a large number of individual side-effects in sequence, and so on.

He is correspond to the following tagless algebra:

trait Console[F[_]] {
  def putStrLn(line: String): F[Unit] 
  val getStrLn: F[String]

Does it mean, writting laws for tageless algebra is not possible or do I misunderstand something.


  • A few things:

    So yes, nobody can force you to write laws for your algebras, but people who implement them in libraries actually do this, and if you write your own algebras, you are encouraged to do so, so this argument is stretched and eristic.