
Index-Match (find last value which matches criteria)

I am trying to have my Index match formula in Google Sheets return the last matching value in a series of values. Currently of course it only returns the first:

=INDEX (IMPORTRANGE("","'Form Responses 1'!C1:C"),MATCH(B5, IMPORTRANGE("","'Form Responses 1'!AA1:AA"),0))

Does anyone have a suggestion?

Really Appreciated Dan


  • try:

     IMPORTRANGE("1FAkqI_IDrWREzppezkxx43TnSyrWs9ayS_R__l7RU", "'Form Responses 1'!AA1:AA"), 
     IMPORTRANGE("1FAkqI_IDrWREzppezkxx43TnSyrWs9ayS_R__l7RU", "'Form Responses 1'!C1:C")}, 
     1, 1), 2, 0)