
Why won't Vista Sidebar Gadget show up in Gadget Gallery?

I'd like to create a sidebar gadget in Vista. I've followed this tutorial on how to create one to the letter. However, the gadget simply will not show up in the Gadget Gallery when I go to Add Gadgets in the sidebar.

I've tried resetting the sidebar, deleting the settings file next to the gadgets folder, making sure my xml file is stored as UTF-8, etc. Still nothing.

NOTE: To those looking to retag, this is programming-related. Please follow the link to see what I'm talking about. I'm trying to get the some verbatim tutorial code working.


  • When you are looking for your custom gadget in the Gadget Gallery check that the search box does not display 'Microsoft Corporation'.

    alt text

    This is the default and will only display Microsoft's gadgets, change this to 'All gadgets' and you should see your custom one appear: