
How use Microsoft.VSTS.Scheduling.RemainingWork field to represent minutes?

According to description of Remaining Work field available here I set my ProcessConfiguration with "h" for hours.

Since Remaining Work is declared as double, I guess that is possible to enter in this field hours but also minutes. Is it ok to set "half an hour" with 0.5? "10 minutes" with 0,16 and so on?


  • Yes, you could track it like that. I think if you try to track individual times less than a quarter hour it brings on a lot of other problems though. If you have multiple people working on the same task, the out-of-box functionality is not great for tracking that. If you want to roll-up tasks time to a feature or PBI, the roll-up is not that great.

    I've worked on projects that were billable to different customers and we billed in quarter-hour increments. We tracked the time for billing and used a paid extension, Timetracker. It was good at managing to the level of detail you might desire based on the wording in your question.