
AggregationStrategy warns on timeout all the time

Why does AggregationStrategy implementation always log a warning when it times out? I do not see any exchange/data loss in the aggregation, when this happens.

AggregateProcessor calls this timeout method when the completionTimeout requirement has been met. Any logging of that event could be debug or informational, but shouldn't rise to a warning.

2020-06-25 16:06:54.454  WARN 1 --- [eTimeoutChecker] o.e.s.e.a.ElasticBulkAggregationStrategy : Parallel processing timed out after 1000 millis for number -1. This task will be cancelled and will not be aggregated.

Here is the aggregate portion of my route.

    from (direct:...)


  • It is harmless. There is open Jira CAMEL-15244 to remove/reduce severity of the message.

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