
Get the current scroll position of a SwiftUI ScrollView

With the new ScrollViewReader, it seems possible to set the scroll offset programmatically.

But I was wondering if it is also possible to get the current scroll position?

It seems like the ScrollViewProxy only comes with the scrollTo method, allowing us to set the offset.



  • It was possible to read it and before. Here is a solution based on view preferences.

    struct DemoScrollViewOffsetView: View {
        @State private var offset = CGFloat.zero
        var body: some View {
            ScrollView {
                VStack {
                    ForEach(0..<100) { i in
                        Text("Item \(i)").padding()
                }.background(GeometryReader {
                    Color.clear.preference(key: ViewOffsetKey.self,
                        value: -$0.frame(in: .named("scroll")).origin.y)
                .onPreferenceChange(ViewOffsetKey.self) { print("offset >> \($0)") }
            }.coordinateSpace(name: "scroll")
    struct ViewOffsetKey: PreferenceKey {
        typealias Value = CGFloat
        static var defaultValue = CGFloat.zero
        static func reduce(value: inout Value, nextValue: () -> Value) {
            value += nextValue()
