I am trying to build my TWA from a PWA, and I am running into an issue after running npx @bubblewrap/cli build
Installing Android Build Tools. Please, read and accept the license agreement
build Installing Build Tools
Warning: Unknown argument --install
The licenses have all been accepted:
$ ./sdkmanager --licenses
Warning: File /home/user/.android/repositories.cfg could not be loaded.
All SDK package licenses accepted.
The sdkmanager
I have on my local machine comes with everything installed out-of-the-box, which is why the install command cannot be found. You can only uninstall. So, I thought I could just comment out those lines of code from the local installation of @bubblewrap
, but that did not stop this from executing.
Please, help! I am at a loss, and have no idea what to do! lol
I have all of the prerequesists installed. Here is my llama file:
This is the android-sdk
I have installed: sdk-tools-linux-3859397.zip
It was just an outdated version of the SDK: https://developer.android.com/studio#command-tools
I needed to use the newest Linux distro version instead of an older one I downloaded from a command online that I thought would match Java 8 better...lol smh
It builds just fine now. Thanks to anyone who attempted to answer!!!!