I develop a code to credential provider V2 for windows 10. I manage local users and active directory users also other user tile in windows 10 by V2 of credential provider.
Now I develop an other code for use in windows 7. I use from V1 credential provider. I customize It for show local user. By follow code in _EnumerateOneCredential():
HRESULT CProvider::_EnumerateCredentials()
DWORD i = 0, res, dwRec, index = 0;
res = NetQueryDisplayInformation(NULL, 1, i, 100, MAX_PREFERRED_LENGTH, &dwRec, (PVOID*)&pBuff);
if ((res == ERROR_SUCCESS) || (res == ERROR_MORE_DATA))
p = pBuff;
for (; dwRec > 0; dwRec--)
std::wstring name(p->usri1_name);
if (p->usri1_flags & UF_NORMAL_ACCOUNT && !(p->usri1_flags & UF_ACCOUNTDISABLE) && !(p->usri1_flags & UF_PASSWD_NOTREQD))
hr = _EnumerateOneCredential(index, name.c_str());
i = p->usri1_next_index;
} while (res == ERROR_MORE_DATA); // end do
return hr;
After this changes my credential provider is:
Now I want to manage Active Directory Users and very important for me, manage (Other User) Tile (In picture).
How do I get it?
If I disabled other method for login like password provider or use from filter, only it show my credential provider users and Other User and Active Directory Users are hide.
So I think, I must get link to other user tile and manage it, or not.
You must implement and enumerate your own Other User
This tile must accept and provide input field of type CPFT_EDIT_TEXT
for User Name (UPN), password and any other credential you can need.