
How do I get the value from this API?

  getCoinPrice(coinName: string) {
return this._http
  ).pipe(map((result) => (result)));

JSON from the link with "BTC" as coinName is: {"BTC":{"EUR":8226.43}} and the method gives me back an observable.

How would I return the price value(8226.43) in a variable?


  • Try this code. Should just work fine for you.

    getCoinPrice(coinName: string) {
        return this._http
      ).pipe(map((result) => (result.BTC.EUR)));

    You can learn more about how to access objects and their value here

    Here is the Javascript MDN explanation about how to work with objects:

    Working example:

    This is to show how we will get the value you desired by accessing the objects with .

    //Your results
    var result = JSON.parse('{"BTC":{"EUR":8226.43}}');
    //This will print out 8226.43