
Can the password for Wildfly credential store be changed, provided the original password is known?

I have a credential store temp.jceks in code repository with default application passwords for developers. When a production build is generated, the store is added in windows installer. While installation, I need to change the store password to something else? I know the java keystore password can be changed using keytool, so inn similar line, I was hoping the wildfly credential store password can also be changed but I do not see any option to do so with these information below.



Any other option to secure the credential store password will be helpful.

Thank you!


  • No, it does not allow. So I had to read old values, delete the keystore used for development, create a new one with a random password and store back the values. I had to use the same name since its the one configured in standalone.xml and did want to construct standalone.xml dynamically.