I'm trying to get the maximum temperature in a 200 record count along with the temperature.
I'm successful in getting the max(temperature)
but the date is incorrect.
There must be some and
-ing in there where temperature = temperature
and DateAndTime = DateAndTime
SELECT DateAndTime, max(Temperature) as MaxTemp, Humidity, BarrPress
select DateAndTime, Temperature, Humidity,BarrPress
from `temp-at-interrupt`
order by DateAndTime DESC LIMIT 200
) as T
Your query should fail, because you have mixed aggregated columns and unaggregated columns -- and there is no group by
Just use order by
and limit
select t.*
from (select t.*
from `temp-at-interrupt` t
order by dateandtime desc
limit 200
) t
order by temperature desc
limit 1;