I am looking for an efficient solution to do find the longest possible substring in a string tolerating n mismatches in the main string
Eg: Main String
Search String:
Also I there could be the case where part of the substring is at the end of main string and I would like to pick that up also.
I would appreciate if you could give some pointers.
PS: I will have one search string and about 100 million main strings to search the substring for.
Thanks! -Abhi
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature qw( say );
sub match {
my ($s, $t, $max_x) = @_;
my $m = my @s = unpack('(a)*', $s);
my $n = my @t = unpack('(a)*', $t);
my @length_at_k = ( 0 ) x ($m+$n);
my @mismatches_at_k = ( 0 ) x ($m+$n);
my $offset = $m;
my $best_length = 0;
my @solutions;
for my $i (0..$m-1) {
for my $j (0..$n-1) {
my $k = $j + $offset;
if ($s[$i] eq $t[$j]) {
elsif ($length_at_k[$k] > 0 && $mismatches_at_k[$k] < $max_x) {
else {
$length_at_k[$k] = 0;
$mismatches_at_k[$k] = 0;
my $length = $length_at_k[$k] + $max_x - $mismatches_at_k[$k];
$length = $i+1 if $length > $i+1;
if ($length >= $best_length) {
if ($length > $best_length) {
$best_length = $length;
@solutions = ();
push @solutions, $i-$length+1;
return map { substr($s, $_, $best_length) } @solutions;
say for match('AABBCC', 'DDBBEE', 2);