
Turbomail Integration with Pyramid

I am in need of a method to send an email from a Pyramid application. I know of pyramid_mailer, but it seems to have a fairly limited message class. I don't understand if it's possible to write the messages from pyramid_mailer using templates to generate the body of the email. Further, I haven't seen anything regarding whether rich-text is supported, or if it's just simple plain-text.

Previously, I was using Turbomail with the Pylons framework. Unfortunately there doesn't appear to be any adapters available for TurboMail for Pyramid. I know that TurboMail can be extended for additional frameworks, but have no idea where I would even start such a task. Has anyone written an adapter for Pyramid or can point me in the right direction of what would be required to do so?


  • I can't answer your Turbomail questions other than to say that I've heard it works fine with Pyramid.

    Regarding pyramid_mailer, it's entirely possible to render your emails using the same subsystem that lets pyramid render all of your templates.

    from pyramid.renderers import render
    opts = {} # a dictionary of globals to send to your template
    body = render('email.mako', opts, request)

    Also, the pyramid_mailer Message object is based on the lamson MailResponse object, which is stable and well-tested.

    You can create a mail that consists of both a plain text body as well as html, by specifying either the body or html constructor parameters to the Message class.

    plain_body = render('plain_email.mako', opts, request)
    html_body = render('html_email.mako', opts, request)
    msg = Message(body=plain_body, html=html_body)