
Difference between version=1&version_type=external and if_seq_no=0&if_primary_term=1

Based on this answer, it's clearly to say:

However as a user, is there any difference between version=1&version_type=external and if_seq_no=0&if_primary_term=1 to achieve concurrency control?

My understanding is that:

Are these two conclusions right? If right, why specifically?

I did some simple experiments in ES 7.4.2 as follows:

POST test/_bulk
{"index": { "_id": 1 }}
{"test": 1}
{"index": { "_id": 2 }}
{"test": 2}

PUT test/_doc/1?version=1&version_type=external&error_trace=true 
  "test": 1

GET test/_doc/1

PUT test/_doc/1?if_seq_no=0&if_primary_term=1&error_trace=true 
  "test": 1


  • Based on this old post Elasticsearch Versioning Support, I see that _version is used in ES for concurrency control.

    While in Breaking changes in 6.7, I might just quote here.

    internal version may not uniquely identify a document’s version if an indexed document wasn’t fully replicated when a primary fails. As such it is unsafe to use for optimistic concurrency control, is deprecated and the option will no longer be available in Elasticsearch 7.0.0. Please use the if_seq_no and if_primary_term parameters instead.

    So basically the answers are: