I'm trying to use a udp socket as server in Flutter. I'd like to bind this socket on my localhost at 6868 port always in listening. Unfortunately when i try to send something from a client,it never prints the string "RECEIVED". Here's the code:
static Future openPortUdp(Share share) async {
await RawDatagramSocket.bind(InternetAddress.anyIPv4,6868)
(RawDatagramSocket udpSocket) {
udpSocket.listen((e) {
switch (e) {
case RawSocketEvent.read:
case RawSocketEvent.readClosed:
case RawSocketEvent.closed:
Am I doing something wrong?
Anyway this is the client side, it is written is Lua:
local udp1 = socket.udp()
while true do
udp1:setpeername("", 6868)
local data1 = udp1:receive()
if (not data1 == nil) then print(data1) break end
I tested it with another server and it works well, so i don't think the client is the problem.
If it can help you, here my code for my SocketUDP (as singleton) in my app. I used it in localhost and it works very well :
class SocketUDP {
RawDatagramSocket _socket;
// the port used by this socket
int _port;
// emit event when receive a new request. Emit the request
StreamController<Request> _onRequestReceivedCtrl = StreamController<Request>.broadcast();
// to give access of the Stream to listen when new request is received
Stream<Request> get onRequestReceived => _onRequestReceivedCtrl.stream;
// as singleton to maintain the connexion during the app life and be accessible everywhere
static final SocketUDP _instance = SocketUDP._internal();
factory SocketUDP() {
return _instance;
void startSocket(int port) {
_port = port;
RawDatagramSocket.bind(InternetAddress.anyIPv4, _port)
.then((RawDatagramSocket socket) {
_socket = socket;
// listen the request from server
_socket.listen((e) {
Datagram dg = _socket.receive();
if (dg != null) {
_onRequestReceivedCtrl.add(RequestConvert.decodeRequest(dg.data, dg.address));
void send(Request requestToSend, {bool isBroadCast:false}) {
_socket.broadcastEnabled = isBroadCast;
final String requestEncoded = RequestConvert.encodeRequest(requestToSend);
List<int> requestAsUTF8 = utf8.encode(requestEncoded);
_socket.send(requestAsUTF8, requestToSend.address, _port);
Edit : As asked below, here some details to use it.
At first, the Request definition :
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:remotepcmultitouch/enumRequest.dart';
// describe a network request
class Request
// the request ID
final ERequest _id;
// the request data list
final List<String> _datas;
// the request address (from/to)
final InternetAddress _address;
// binary data, optional
final Uint8List binaryData;
Request(this._id, this._datas, this._address, {this.binaryData});
ERequest get id => _id;
List<String> get datas => _datas;
InternetAddress get address => _address;
To process a request received from the socket :
void onRequestReceived(Request request) {
switch (request.id) {
// process the request
To send a request with the SocketUDP : my example send touch position to server
// send request to server to send the new touch data
[touchState.index.toString(), fingerID.toString(), percentX, percentY],
Then RequestConvert.encodeRequest and RequestConvert.decodeRequest are just utility functions to convert/decode the Request object to/from string, nothing special (many ways to doing this)