
What are the best practices for using Assembly Attributes?

I have a solution with multiple project. I am trying to optimize AssemblyInfo.cs files by linking one solution wide assembly info file. What are the best practices for doing this? Which attributes should be in solution wide file and which are project/assembly specific?

Edit: If you are interested there is a follow up question What are differences between AssemblyVersion, AssemblyFileVersion and AssemblyInformationalVersion?


  • We're using a global file called GlobalAssemblyInfo.cs and a local one called AssemblyInfo.cs. The global file contains the following attributes:

     [assembly: AssemblyProduct("Your Product Name")]
     [assembly: AssemblyCompany("Your Company")]
     [assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright © 2008 ...")]
     [assembly: AssemblyTrademark("Your Trademark - if applicable")]
     #if DEBUG
     [assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("Debug")]
     [assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("Release")]
     [assembly: AssemblyVersion("This is set by build process")]
     [assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("This is set by build process")]

    The local AssemblyInfo.cs contains the following attributes:

     [assembly: AssemblyTitle("Your assembly title")]
     [assembly: AssemblyDescription("Your assembly description")]
     [assembly: AssemblyCulture("The culture - if not neutral")]
     [assembly: ComVisible(true/false)]
     // unique id per assembly
     [assembly: Guid("xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx")]

    You can add the GlobalAssemblyInfo.cs using the following procedure: