
How to call class method from NSString in obj-c?

In obj-c, how can I call

[myClass myString];

where myString = @"myMethod";

Which should be the equivalent of [myClass myMethod];

Not sure if this kind of meta language manipulation is possible.


  • [myClass class] returns the metaclass, class methods are called on the metaclass. E.g.

    [NSString someClassMethod];
    NSString *instanceOfString = @"some string instance";
    [[instanceOfString class] someClassMethod];

    EDIT: I misread the question. Use NSSelectorFromString to get a SEL from an NSString. That's documented in Apple's Foundation Functions Reference where you'll also see NSClassFromString, NSStringFromClass, NSStringFromSelector, NSStringFromProtocol and NSProtocolFromString amongst others.