An AppBar
in flutter takes List<Widget>
as actions. For some reason, I can't find a way to feed this property based on a StreamBuilder
I have a BehaviorSubject (can change to other types of stream) where I am adding Widgets and I want to show those widgets in the AppBar (as action buttons)
// ....
var appBar = new AppBar(
title: "appTitle",
actions: _getActionWidgets() // <= Can be fed by SteamBuilder?
/// ...
// ...
// BehaviorSubject<Widget> actionWidgets;
// ...
List<Widget> _getActionWidgets(){
return StreamBuilder(
... // what can be done here so that this method would return List<Widget>
Most of the examples out there are for "ListView
" using the ListView.builder(...)
which is not applicable in my case here.
The end goal is to feed the actions
property of AppBar
using StreamBuilder and struggling to find a way. I appreciate any help or directions and thanks for your time reading my question.
No. This is not a case. Actions in your case are usually buttons (FlatButton, IconButton etc). Your case can looks like something below:
class Bloc {
final _subject = BehaviourSubject<List<Widget>>();
void initState() {
// Prepare actions depending on condition
final actions = [
FlatButton(child: Text('Action 1'), onPressed: () {}),
FlatButton(child: Text('Action 2'), onPressed: () {}),
bloc.setActions(actions); // indeed send actions to sink
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return StreamBuilder<List<Widget>>(
stream: bloc.actionStream, // Function of `bloc` which returns Stream<List<Widget>> (indeed IconButton, FlatButton)
builder: (context,snapshot) {
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
actions: snapshot.hasData? : <Widget>[],