
In VBA how do you compare 2 instances of a User Defined Type (UDT)? I'm getting a Type mismatch

I have a module that defines a UDT as follows:

Private Type UserData
    uName As String         'user name
    uDate As Date           'date/time of last interaction
End Type

I have a simple test function that I'm trying to use to compare two different instances of the UDT as follows:

Sub TestCheck()
    Dim testRec(1) As UserData
    testRec(0).uName = "a"
    testRec(0).uDate = Date
    testRec(1) = testRec(0)
    If testRec(1) = testRec(0) Then
        Debug.Print "Records match"
        Debug.Print "Records don't match"
    End If
End Sub

I get Compile error: Type mismatch on testRec(1) = testRec(0)

I really would rather not have to loop through each member of each instance in order to check for equivalency. Aren't UDTs supposed to act as variables? If I have to loop through each member of each instance to compare them, then it really doesn't save anything for me to use the UDTs. Is there a way to do the comparison without looping through the members?


  • This type of activity is what Classes are for. Instead of a user defined type create a class with appropriate methods. Here we have defined a Class called UserData which has a predeclared Id so that we can use the class as a UserData Factory. In this example we have

    UserData Class

    ' User Rubberduck annotations to set the predecalredId to True
    Option Explicit
    Public Enum UserDataType
    End Enum
    Private Type Properties
        UserData As Object
    End Type
    Private p As Properties
    Public Function Make(ByVal ipName As String, ByVal ipDateAndTime As Date) As UserData
        With New UserData
            Set Make = .Self(ipName, ipDateAndTime)
        End With
    End Function
    Public Function Self(ByVal ipName As String, ByVal ipDateAndTime As Date) As UserData
        ' Use late bound crreation of a scripting dictionary to avoid reference issues
        Set p.UserData = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
        With p.UserData
            .Add udName, ipName
            .Add udDate, ipDateAndTime
        End With
        Set Self = Me
    End Function
    Public Property Get Item(ByVal ipEnum As Long) As Variant
        Item = p.UserData.Item(ipEnum)
    End Property
    Public Property Let Item(ByVal ipEnum As Long, ByVal ipValue As Variant)
        p.UserData.Item(ipEnum) = ipValue
    End Property
    Public Function SameAs(ByVal ipUserData As UserData) As Boolean
        SameAs = False
        Dim myIndex As Long
        For myIndex = 0 To p.UserData.Count - 1
            If Me.Item(myIndex) <> ipUserData.Item(myIndex) Then Exit Function
        SameAs = True
    End Function

    This class makes the creation of user data types a bit easier as we can now just say UserData,Make( ,

    So the text sub can become

    Option Explicit
    Public Sub TestCheck()
        Dim testRec(1) As UserData
        Set testRec(0) = UserData.Make("a", Date)
        Set testRec(1) = UserData.Make("b", Date)
        If testRec(1).SameAs(testRec(0)) Then
            Debug.Print "Records match"
            Debug.Print "Records don't match"
        End If
    End Sub

    As you can see. You can see. To change the UserData class for a different set of members you only have to change the enumeration (provided you keep to simple variables).