
How to access parent value from nested TableColumn

I have a table (TableView) in which there is frequent repetition of a group of columns (for example, name and address). I group these columns as sub-columns of a common column

<TableColumn text="Получател">
        <TableColumn text="ЕИК"/>
        <TableColumn text="ЗДДС №"/>
        <TableColumn text="Име"/>
        <TableColumn text="Адрес"/>
        <TableColumn text="Материално отговорно лице"/>
        <TableColumn text="Получател"/>

I export this group of columns to user control

<fx:root type="com.example.CompanyTableColumn" xmlns="" xmlns:fx=""

        <TableColumn fx:id="eikColumn" text="ЕИК"/>
        <TableColumn fx:id="vatColumn" text="ЗДДС №"/>
        <TableColumn fx:id="nameColumn" text="Име"/>
        <TableColumn fx:id="addressColumn" text="Адрес"/>
        <TableColumn text="Материално отговорно лице"/>

public class CompanyTableColumn extends TableColumn<Invoice, Company> {

    private TableColumn<Invoice, String> eikColumn;

    private TableColumn<Invoice, String> vatColumn;

    private TableColumn<Invoice, String> nameColumn;

    private TableColumn<Invoice, String> addressColumn;

    private StringProperty name = new SimpleStringProperty();

    public CompanyTableColumn() {
        try {
            FXMLLoader loader = new FXMLLoader();

        catch (IOException e) {

    private void initialize() {

    public String getName() {
        return name.get();

    public StringProperty nameProperty() {
        return name;

    public void setName(String name) {;

By initializing user control as follows

<TableView fx:id="tableView">
        <CompanyTableColumn fx:id="supplierColumn" name="Доставчик"/>
        <CompanyTableColumn fx:id="receiverColumn" name="Получател"/>
supplierColumn.setCellValueFactory(cdf -> new SimpleObjectProperty<>(cdf.getValue().getSupplier()));
receiverColumn.setCellValueFactory(cdf -> new SimpleObjectProperty<>(cdf.getValue().getReceiver()));

And here comes my problem. In the example, the two controls must visualize data from different instances of the Company model. I submit the various instances by creating a CellValueFactory but I don't see how I can access the specific value in CompanyTableColumn so I can use it in the factories that create the values of the nested columns.


As usual, the solution is found shortly after the question is asked:

private void initialize() {
    eikColumn.setCellValueFactory(cdf -> new SimpleStringProperty(getCellObservableValue(cdf.getValue()).getValue().getEik()));
    vatColumn.setCellValueFactory(cdf -> new SimpleStringProperty(getCellObservableValue(cdf.getValue()).getValue().getVat()));
    nameColumn.setCellValueFactory(cdf -> new SimpleStringProperty(getCellObservableValue(cdf.getValue()).getValue().getName()));
    addressColumn.setCellValueFactory(cdf -> new SimpleStringProperty(getCellObservableValue(cdf.getValue()).getValue().getAddress()));


  • The solution I found consisted of calling TableColumn::getCellObservableValue using the value corresponding to the corresponding row in the table as a parameter (returned by the CellDataFeatures object used in the callback function to generate a value)

    public class CompanyTableColumn extends TableColumn<Invoice, Company> {
        private TableColumn<Invoice, String> eikColumn;
        private TableColumn<Invoice, String> vatColumn;
        private TableColumn<Invoice, String> nameColumn;
        private TableColumn<Invoice, String> addressColumn;
        private StringProperty name = new SimpleStringProperty();
        public CompanyTableColumn() {
            try {
                FXMLLoader loader = new FXMLLoader();
            catch (IOException e) {
        private void initialize() {
            eikColumn.setCellValueFactory(cdf -> new SimpleStringProperty(getCellObservableValue(cdf.getValue()).getValue().getEik()));
            vatColumn.setCellValueFactory(cdf -> new SimpleStringProperty(getCellObservableValue(cdf.getValue()).getValue().getVat()));
            nameColumn.setCellValueFactory(cdf -> new SimpleStringProperty(getCellObservableValue(cdf.getValue()).getValue().getName()));
            addressColumn.setCellValueFactory(cdf -> new SimpleStringProperty(getCellObservableValue(cdf.getValue()).getValue().getAddress()));
        public String getName() {
            return name.get();
        public StringProperty nameProperty() {
            return name;
        public void setName(String name) {