My Jenkins is running on https://myhost:9043 using the standalone war on Linux with the below command.
java -jar jenkins.war
However, when I try the following URL for say https://myhost:9043/<any random text>
the resource uri is obviously not found.
The problem, however, is I get output in the browser as
HTTP 404 error URI not found Powered by Jetty://9.4.27.vXXXX
I wish not to reveal the Jetty version.
Is there a way to display a custom error page for incorrect URIs thus avoiding revealing the Jetty version? If not, can I somehow hide the Jetty version from being displayed to anonymous users?
I'm not a pure java programmer but just a DevOps admin.
You can override the Jetty version with adding to your command line -Djetty.version=NOTHING
Otherwise I created the issue to have a custom error page from users