
How to implement onClick, onLongClick and onTouch to one View

I have a View (it's ViewHolder in RecyclerView but I think it wouldn't make any difference) which implements onClick(), onLongClick(), and onTouch(). The problem I faced is that longClick is never executed. I read about it in other questions but I can't figure out how to do it and when exactly I should return true \ false in onTouch(). Here is my code;

Function bind() in ViewHolder class which implements View.OnTouchListener:

binding.background.setOnClickListener {

binding.background.setOnLongClickListener {
    Log.d("Long Click")

binding.background.setOnTouchListener(this) // here I see warning "Custom view `ConstraintLayout` has setOnTouchListener called on it but does not override performClick"

Override onTouch()

override fun onTouch(v: View?, event: MotionEvent?): Boolean
    return when (event!!.action)
        MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN ->
            x1 = event.x
            MotionEvent.ACTION_UP ->
            x2 = event.x
            return if (abs(x2 - x1) > MIN_DISTANCE)
                Log.d("Was swiped")
                Log.d("Wasn't swiped")
        else -> false

This function just detects slide on the view. What should I change in onTouch() to make longClick working? Also, is there any simpler way to detect slide on the RecyclerView item?


  • If someone ever will have such a problem I solved it in this way:
    (It is recycler view item which can be moved left / right or scrolled)

    ViewHolder fields:

    private var xStart = 0F
    private var lastY = 0F
    private var yStart = 0F
    private val handler: Handler = Handler()
    private var isLongClickCanceled = false
    private var wasLongClicked = false
    private var startScrolling = false
    private var status = 0
    private const val LONG_CLICK_TIME = 700L
    private const val CLICK_DISTANCE = 75
    private const val PANEL_SIZE = 125

    Touch function

    override fun onTouch(v: View?, event: MotionEvent?): Boolean
        if (v != null && event != null)
            when (event.action)
                MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN ->
                    xStart = event.x
                    yStart = event.y
                    isLongClickCanceled = false
                    wasLongClicked = false
                    startScrolling = false
                    handler.postDelayed({ //long click
                        wasLongClicked = true
                        val leftPanel = (v as ViewGroup).getChildAt(0)
                        val rightPanel = v.getChildAt(1)
                        val paramsLP = leftPanel.layoutParams
                        val paramsRP = rightPanel.layoutParams
                        paramsLP.width = 1
                        paramsRP.width = 1
                        leftPanel.layoutParams = paramsLP
                        rightPanel.layoutParams = paramsRP
                    }, LONG_CLICK_TIME)
                    xStart = event.x
                MotionEvent.ACTION_UP ->
                    if (!startScrolling && !isLongClickCanceled && !wasLongClicked)
                        if ((event.eventTime - event.downTime) < LONG_CLICK_TIME) //click
                            Log.d("Status $status")
                            if (status == 0)
                                val leftPanel = (v as ViewGroup).getChildAt(0)
                                val rightPanel = v.getChildAt(1)
                                val paramsLP = leftPanel.layoutParams
                                val paramsRP = rightPanel.layoutParams
                                paramsLP.width = 1
                                paramsRP.width = 1
                                leftPanel.layoutParams = paramsLP
                                rightPanel.layoutParams = paramsRP
                                status = 0
                                selectCar(!!.carID, false)
                        val leftPanel = (v as ViewGroup).getChildAt(0)
                        val rightPanel = v.getChildAt(1)
                        val paramsLP = leftPanel.layoutParams
                        val paramsRP = rightPanel.layoutParams
                            status > (PANEL_SIZE / 2) ->
                                paramsLP.width = PANEL_SIZE
                                paramsRP.width = 1
                                selectCar(!!.carID, false)
                            status < -(PANEL_SIZE / 2) ->
                                paramsRP.width = PANEL_SIZE
                                paramsLP.width = 1
                                selectCar(!!.carID, true)
                            else ->
                                paramsLP.width = 1
                                paramsRP.width = 1
                                status = 0
                                selectCar(!!.carID, false)
                        leftPanel.layoutParams = paramsLP
                        rightPanel.layoutParams = paramsRP
                MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE ->
                    if (startScrolling)
                        scroll((lastY - event.rawY).toInt())
                        lastY = event.rawY
                        if (!wasLongClicked)
                            if (isLongClickCanceled)
                                val deltaX = (event.x - xStart).toInt()
                                if (abs(deltaX) > 75)
                                    val leftPanel = (v as ViewGroup).getChildAt(0)
                                    val rightPanel = v.getChildAt(1)
                                    val paramsLP = leftPanel.layoutParams
                                    val paramsRP = rightPanel.layoutParams
                                    if (deltaX > 0)
                                        status = (deltaX - CLICK_DISTANCE)
                                        paramsLP.width = min(status, PANEL_SIZE)
                                        paramsRP.width = 1
                                    else if (deltaX < 0)
                                        status = (deltaX + CLICK_DISTANCE)
                                        paramsRP.width = min(-status, PANEL_SIZE)
                                        paramsLP.width = 1
                                    leftPanel.layoutParams = paramsLP
                                    rightPanel.layoutParams = paramsRP
                            else if (abs(yStart - event.y) > CLICK_DISTANCE)
                                lastY = event.rawY
                                startScrolling = true
                            else if (!isLongClickCanceled && abs(xStart - event.x) >= CLICK_DISTANCE)
                                isLongClickCanceled = true
        return true

    Scroll function which is passed to ViewHolder

    { dy -> binding.recViewCar.scrollBy(0, dy) }

    This code can execute Click, LongClick, and Touching view. When user make LongClick, move action wouldn't be executed. After holding a finger on the screen and moving it more than CLICK_DISTANCE Click and LongClick wouldn't be executed