I'm trying to switch the channel of Flutter to use Flutter web. But every time I'm getting this error. Neither its switching to Flutter master nor Flutter beta.
P:\FlutterProjects>flutter channel master
Switching to flutter channel 'master'...
git: From https://github.com/flutter/flutter
git: 1ad9baa8b..8af6b2f03 stable -> origin/stable
git: error: cannot lock ref 'refs/remotes/origin/beta': unable to resolve reference 'refs/remotes/origin/beta': reference broken
git: ! [new branch] beta -> origin/beta (unable to update local ref)
git: 1ad9baa8b..8af6b2f03 flutter-1.17-candidate.3 -> origin/flutter-1.17-candidate.3
git: df98ad6b2..0bffc8a39 master -> origin/master
git: * [new tag] 1.17.5 -> 1.17.5
git: error: cannot lock ref 'refs/tags/1.20.0-0.0.pre': unable to resolve reference 'refs/tags/1.20.0-0.0.pre': reference broken
git: ! [new tag] 1.20.0-0.0.pre -> 1.20.0-0.0.pre (unable to update local ref)
Switching channels failed with error code 1
In your command line navigate to the directory where flutter is installed and run the following commands
$ rm .git/refs/remotes/origin/beta
$ git fetch
If the above does not work, try the following
$ git gc --prune=now
$ git remote prune origin
The commands above will remove the broken reference and the commands below will ensure flutter is fully upgraded on the current channel before changing the channel.
$ flutter upgrade
$ flutter channel master
$ flutter upgrade