
MapStruct - @Mapper annotation don't create bean

I downloaded application from this source https://github.com/springframeworkguru/spring5-mvc-rest/tree/vendor-api And I have a problem with MapStruct.

public interface CategoryMapper {

CategoryMapper INSTANCE = Mappers.getMapper(CategoryMapper.class);

CategoryDTO categoryToCategoryDTO(Category category);


public class CategoryDTO {
    private Long id;
    private String name;

domain class:

public class Category {
    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
    private Long id;
    private String name;

Service class:

public class CategoryServiceImpl implements CategoryService {

    private final CategoryMapper categoryMapper;
    private final CategoryRepository categoryRepository;

    public CategoryServiceImpl(CategoryMapper categoryMapper, CategoryRepository categoryRepository) {
        this.categoryMapper = categoryMapper;
        this.categoryRepository = categoryRepository;

And in pom.xml dependency, I paste only two::


And plugin:



Parameter 0 of constructor in 
guru.springfamework.services.CategoryServiceImpl required a bean of type 'guru.springfamework.api.v1.mapper.CategoryMapper' that could not be found.


Consider defining a bean of type 'guru.springfamework.api.v1.mapper.CategoryMapper' in your configuration.

I think that in my Intellij annotation @Mapper don't create a bean for mapper. I didn't change code from John GitHub. Any idea? I tried to change path generated source to target but this doesn't help Thanks for help.


  • In your Mapper class, use @Mapper(componentModel = "spring") instead of just @Mapper

    and run mvn clean install, that's it! you're done!

    and the alternative to it, is to define compiler arguments in plugin of pom.xml like below!
