I have the ability to encrypt variables using another mechanism(Azure pipeline secret feature), so I would like to save an ansible-vault password there(in Azure pipeline) and pass it to playbook execution as an extra var.
May I know if it can be done so?
An example of what/how I'm expecting is
ansible-playbook --extra-vars "vault-password=${pipelinevariable}"
Vault password cannot be passed as an extra var. There are several ways to provide it which are all covered in the documentation:
Very basically your options are:
option--vault-password-file /path/to/vault
option on the command lineANSIBLE_VAULT_PASSWORD_FILE
environment variable (e.g. export ANSIBLE_VAULT_PASSWORD_FILE=/path/to/vault
).There is much more to learn in the above doc, especially how to use several vault passwords with ids, how to use a client script to retrieve the password from a key store...