
Appcode doesn't autocomplete third party libraries

Recently I'm giving a hand to my iOs team(coming from Android) and I'm trying to use Appcode to keep all my IntelliJ keybinds and shortcuts. However, even if I can work with Appcode and everything compiles and works well. Some of the libraries that I use on the application doesn't work with AppCode autocomplete. I can't access the base code or do nothing. However if I write the code without any kind of autocomple/helper the code compiles and works well.

For example using RxSwift:

enter image description here

I have been reading and Jetbrains says that this issue was fixed on 2018 edition. But I'm using 2020 edition and I keep having this troubles.

So, my question is: how can I make Appcode show third party libraries methods and classes on the autocomplete?


  • Generally, AppCode does support completion in third-party libraries. In your case the problem most likely is specific to RxSwift or your particular project setup. For example, there is this known problem with RxSwift, see comments for a workaround:

    If the workaround doesn't help, feel free to contact AppCode support for more specific troubleshooting or create an issue in the issue tracker.