I don't know what I doing wrong in setting up a ScpClient to send/receive files.
I am using Apache MINA SSHD library to start a SSH server and try to copy files to/from it.
Here is my setup:
public class SSHServer {
private SshServer sshServer;
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SSHServer.class);
public SSHServer() {
sshServer = SshServer.setUpDefaultServer();
sshServer.setKeyPairProvider(new SimpleGeneratorHostKeyProvider());
//Accept all keys for authentication
//sshServer.setPublickeyAuthenticator((s, publicKey, serverSession) -> true);
sshServer.setFileSystemFactory(new VirtualFileSystemFactory() {
public Path getUserHomeDir(SessionContext session) throws IOException {
return Paths.get("C:/Users/u660221");
sshServer.setCommandFactory(new ScpCommandFactory());
sshServer.setPasswordAuthenticator((username, password, serverSession) -> {
logger.debug("authenticating: {} password: {}", username, password);
return username != null && "changeit".equals(password);
public int getPort() {
return sshServer.getPort();
public String getHost() {
return sshServer.getHost();
public void startServer() throws IOException{
logger.debug("SSHServer started...");
public void stopServer() throws IOException {
logger.debug("SSHServer stopped...");
public class SSHClient {
private SshClient sshClient;
private String username;
private String host;
private String password;
private int port;
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SSHClient.class);
private SSHClient(){}
public SSHClient(String username, String password, String host, int port) {
sshClient = SshClient.setUpDefaultClient();
sshClient.setFileSystemFactory(new VirtualFileSystemFactory() {
public Path getUserHomeDir(SessionContext session) throws IOException {
return Paths.get("C:/Users/u660221");
this.username = username;
this.password = password;
this.host = host;
this.port = port;
public ClientSession connect() throws IOException {
ConnectFuture connectFuture = sshClient.connect(username, host, port).verify();
logger.debug("SSHClient is connected: {}", connectFuture.isConnected());
return connectFuture.getSession();
public void startClient() {
logger.debug("SSHClient is started...");
public void stopClient() {
logger.debug("SSHClient is stopped...");
public class TestSSH {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TestSSH.class);
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
SSHServer sshServer = new SSHServer();
logger.debug("Started SSHServer on HOST: " + sshServer.getHost() + " PORT: " + sshServer.getPort());
SSHClient sshClient = new SSHClient("u660221", "changeit",
sshServer.getHost(), sshServer.getPort());
ClientSession clientSession = sshClient.connect();
AuthFuture authFuture = clientSession.auth().verify();
logger.debug("is client auth success: " + authFuture.isSuccess());
logger.debug("client connect address: {}", clientSession.getConnectAddress().toString());
ScpClientCreator creator = ScpClientCreator.instance();
ScpClient scpClient = creator.createScpClient(clientSession);
//FileOutputStream fo = new FileOutputStream("C:\\Users\\u660221\\destination\\file.jar");
//scpClient.download("u660221@\\Project\\file.jar", fo); //this works!!!!!
//does not work //scpClient.upload(Paths.get("C:/Users/u660221/source"), "u660221@", ScpClient.Option.Recursive, ScpClient.Option.PreserveAttributes, ScpClient.Option.TargetIsDirectory);
scpClient.download("u660221@", Paths.get("C:/Users/u660221/destination"), ScpClient.Option.Recursive, ScpClient.Option.PreserveAttributes); //does not work
Here is the o/p for uncommented download line(this fails since nothing is copied):
2020-07-02 13:57:15,186 DEBUG c.w.v.g.s.SSHServer [main] SSHServer started...
2020-07-02 13:57:15,202 DEBUG c.w.v.g.s.TestSSH [main] Started SSHServer on HOST: PORT: 22
2020-07-02 13:57:15,357 DEBUG c.w.v.g.s.SSHClient [main] SSHClient is started...
2020-07-02 13:57:15,896 DEBUG c.w.v.g.s.SSHClient [main] SSHClient is connected: true
2020-07-02 13:57:17,690 DEBUG c.w.v.g.s.SSHServer [sshd-SshServer[25a6944c](port=22)-nio2-thread-1] authenticating: u660221 password: changeit
2020-07-02 13:57:17,695 DEBUG c.w.v.g.s.TestSSH [main] is client auth success: true
2020-07-02 13:57:17,696 DEBUG c.w.v.g.s.TestSSH [main] client connect address: /
Here is the o/p for uncommented upload line:
2020-07-02 14:14:08,034 DEBUG c.w.v.g.s.SSHServer [main] SSHServer started...
2020-07-02 14:14:08,044 DEBUG c.w.v.g.s.TestSSH [main] Started SSHServer on HOST: PORT: 22
2020-07-02 14:14:08,175 DEBUG c.w.v.g.s.SSHClient [main] SSHClient is started...
2020-07-02 14:14:08,598 DEBUG c.w.v.g.s.SSHClient [main] SSHClient is connected: true
2020-07-02 14:14:10,412 DEBUG c.w.v.g.s.SSHServer [sshd-SshServer[77888435](port=22)-nio2-thread-3] authenticating: u660221 password: changeit
2020-07-02 14:14:10,417 DEBUG c.w.v.g.s.TestSSH [main] is client auth success: true
2020-07-02 14:14:10,417 DEBUG c.w.v.g.s.TestSSH [main] client connect address: /
Exception in thread "main" java.io.EOFException: readAck - EOF before ACK
at org.apache.sshd.common.scp.ScpHelper.readAck(ScpHelper.java:849)
at org.apache.sshd.common.scp.ScpHelper.sendPaths(ScpHelper.java:456)
at org.apache.sshd.client.scp.AbstractScpClient.lambda$upload$1(AbstractScpClient.java:158)
at org.apache.sshd.client.scp.DefaultScpClient.runUpload(DefaultScpClient.java:145)
at org.apache.sshd.client.scp.AbstractScpClient.upload(AbstractScpClient.java:158)
at org.apache.sshd.client.scp.ScpClient.upload(ScpClient.java:119)
at org.apache.sshd.client.scp.ScpClient.upload(ScpClient.java:115)
at TestSSH.main(TestSSH.java:29)
It seems it is unable to read from the InputStream but I dont know what I am doing wrong, BTW this is a windows machine. do I need to have scp installed in windows for this?
On enabling debug logging, these logs can be seen:
2020-07-03 13:40:41,825 DEBUG o.a.s.s.s.ScpCommand [sshd-SshServer[776aec5c](port=22)-nio2-thread-1] Executing command scp -r -d -p -t -- u660221@
2020-07-03 13:40:41,825 DEBUG o.a.s.s.s.ScpCommand [sshd-SshServer[776aec5c](port=22)-nio2-thread-1] Unknown flag ('-') in command=scp -r -d -p -t -- u660221@
but this is being constructed by the ScpClient class only what am I supposed to do?
I found the answer.
replace the upload and download lines with the lines below
ScpClient.Option.TargetIsDirectory );
ScpClient.Option.TargetIsDirectory );
There was no need to specify the remote again in the method.
This I found using pscp to copy to/from the sshServer and logging the commands that are being executed in the server side in that I found it was unnecessary to include the remote and it was plain wrong.