I want to insert multiple columns at a time. I am getting data from the api and i want to insert the thousands of row at a time. How can i do it?
I tried the following
foreach ($did as $di)
Yii::$app->db->createCommand()->batchInsert('call_records', ['source', 'destination','disposition','cost','date_added'], [$row])->execute();
but i guess it is not inserting. the second argument needs to be set of arrays i am not able to make it.
Kindly let me know what can be done
Seems you have wrong rows assignment try use this way
if (is_array($did)) {
foreach ($did as $di) {
$row[]= [
'source' => $di['src'],
'destination' => $di['dst'],
'disposition' => $di['disposition'],
'cost' => $di['cost'],
'date_added' => $di['date'],
$columns = ['source', 'destination','disposition','cost','date_added'];
->batchInsert('call_records', $columns, $row)