
Create Range Slider in React.js

I'm trying to create a range slider in ReactJS


const RangeSlider = ({onChange}) => {

    const [slider, setSlider] = useState({
        max: 100, 
        min: 0, 
        value: 0, 
        label: ''

    const onSlide = () => {

    return (
        <div className="range-slider">
            <input type="range" min={slider.min} max={slider.max} value={slider.value} 
             onChange={() => onSlide()} className="slider" id="myRange"></input>
export default RangeSlider;

then I use it in other components

 <RangeSlider onChange={(value) => sliderValueChanged(value)} />


  • When you want to create a reusable component, always try to pass the configuration from where it's uses and keep all common configurations inside the component

    EX: Read about how useMemo and useReducer works



    const App = () => {
      //Keep slider value in parent
      const [parentVal, setParentVal] = useState(10);
      //need useCallback why? if this component rendered we don't want to recreate the onChange function
      const sliderValueChanged = useCallback(val => {
        console.log("NEW VALUE", val);
      // need useMemo why? if this component rendered we don't want to recreate a new instance of the configuration object,
     // but recreate it when parentVal gets changed, so Slider will re-render,
     // and you can remove parentVal from dependency array and once the parent parentVal gets updated slider will not be re-renderd
      const sliderProps = useMemo(
        () => ({
          min: 0,
          max: 100,
          value: parentVal,
          step: 2,
          label: "This is a reusable slider",
          onChange: e => sliderValueChanged(e)
        // dependency array, this will call useMemo function only when parentVal gets changed,
        // if you 100% confident parentVal only updated from Slider, then you can keep empty dependency array
        // and it will not re-render for any configuration object change 
      return (
          <h1>PARENT VALUE: {parentVal}</h1>
          <RangeSlider {...sliderProps} classes="additional-css-classes" />

    and in Slider component

    //destructive props
    const RangeSlider = ({ classes, label, onChange, value, ...sliderProps }) => {
         //set initial value to 0 this will change inside useEffect in first render also| or you can directly set useState(value)
        const [sliderVal, setSliderVal] = useState(0);
        // keep mouse state to determine whether i should call parent onChange or not.
        // so basically after dragging the slider and then release the mouse then we will call the parent onChange, otherwise parent function will get call each and every change
        const [mouseState, setMouseState] = useState(null);
        useEffect(() => {
          setSliderVal(value); // set new value when value gets changed, even when first render
        }, [value]);
        const changeCallback = (e) => {
          setSliderVal(; // update local state of the value when changing
        useEffect(() => {
          if (mouseState === "up") {
            onChange(sliderVal)// when mouse is up then call the parent onChange
        }, [mouseState])
        return (
          <div className="range-slider">
            <h3>value: { sliderVal }</h3>
              className={`slider ${classes}`}
              onMouseDown={() => setMouseState("down")} // When mouse down set the mouseState to 'down'
              onMouseUp={() => setMouseState("up")} // When mouse down set the mouseState to 'up' | now we can call the parent onChnage
    export default memo(RangeSlider);

    check my demo

    I guess this answer call the 3 questions

    1. use configuration in parent to pass the non-common configuration like label

    2. Use memo ? Yes, so Slider component will only get rendered only when the props gets changed. But you have to carefully design it (ex: useMemo and useCallback)

    3. steps ? use configuration object in parent to pass these.

    Just in case if you need a nice way to wrap a range i would suggest you to use a custom hook

    const useSlider = ({ value, ...config }) => {
      const [sliderVal, setSliderVal] = useState(value); // keep a state for each slider
      const [configuration, setConfiguration] = useState(config); // keep the configuration for each slider
      const onChange = useCallback(val => {
      // useCallback why? we dont need to recreate every time this hook gets called
      }, []);
      useEffect(() => {
          value: sliderVal
      // when sliderVal gets changed call this effect
      // and return a new configuration, so the slider can rerender with latest configuration
      }, [sliderVal]);
      return [sliderVal, configuration];

    Here is a demo

    This might can be further improvement