
Session timeout on multiple tabs

I am using Spring acegi security for single sign on on multiple applications. I need to extend session timeout at client side if user writing something on browser too. If user opended multiple sessions or browsers then i need to consider active session on all the sessions he opened. If he is active then i should not log off him eventhough he is inactive in another sessions. Please suggest me any ideas how to track and know at the client side too.

Any idea is greatly appreaciated. Thank you.

Running application app1 in two tabs say tab1 and tab2.Timeout is 10 minutes. So we implemented timeout functionalit in java script which is at client side. This code gives Confirm box after 10 min. If user says continue, we are extending the session by firing the alive url. This working if application running in a single tab. Same applciation app1 open in multiple tabs say tab1,tab2. Here applicaiton app1 opened in two tabs but single session. We are woking the application which is opened in tab2 and not using applciation in tab1. So application in tab1 is inactive for 10 min.then application in tab1 giving confirm box and we dont answer to that confirm box tab2 will make applciation to log out. So what is the solution for not making logout as we are working application on Tab2. Any ideas? How to track whether application in active in other tabs?


  • Modified code in javascript to fire ajax request to server and finding the latest activity. If latest activity is less than 10 mins then there is no logout.