How to expose python input() function in UI/web , to get input from client(user) and pass it back to server. Then do some calculation and pass it back to client(user).
#Step 3 : I display his age back to UI
LR_classifier = LogisticRegression( penalty='l2', # penalty : {'l1', 'l2', 'elasticnet', 'none'}
dual=False, # dual : {True, False}
tol=0.0001, # tol : float
C=1.0, # C : float
fit_intercept=True, # fit_intercept : {True, False}
# intercept_scaling=1,
class_weight=None, #class_weight : {'balanced', }
random_state=Randomstate, # random_state: int
solver='lbfgs', #solver : {'newton-cg', 'lbfgs', 'liblinear', 'sag', 'saga'}
max_iter=100, # max_iter : int
multi_class='auto', # multi_class: {'auto', 'ovr', 'multinomial'}
verbose=0, # verbose : int
warm_start=False, # warm_start : {True, False}
n_jobs=None # n_jobs : int
), y_train)
y_pred = LR_classifier.predict(X_test)
print('Accuracy of baseline logistic regression classifier on train set: {:.2f}'.format(100*LR_classifier.score(X_train, y_train)))
print('Accuracy of baseline logistic regression classifier on test set : {:.2f}'.format(100*LR_classifier.score(X_test, y_test)))
The answer for your question is quite a long one and I will try to summarise the process linking you to the documentation you need.
First, create simple inputs in HTML such as a textarea and a submit button. Once the button is clicked you want to trigger a function in your client that posts a payload of information to the server. The server will process the data and send a response in the form of a JSON object back to the client, using jsonify
from flask.
The latter process is called AJAX and is quite used when doing a server/client communication.
Intro to the steps of the process:
- Create simple inputs in HTML such as a textarea and a submit button to give users some input fields where they can type information in.
<textarea id="text" name="text" spellcheck="false", autocomplete="off" autofocus>##Type sth</textarea>
<input type="button" id="clickme">
- In your client side trigger an event once the button is clicked and post your payload to the server.
textEditor = document.getElementById("text");
document.getElementById("clickme").onclick = func;
function func(){
$.post('/_get_payload', {
text: textEditor.value
// data is the payload received from the server
- The server view function is called when the
is clicked and will send back to the client a JSON object if everything went smoothly.
from flask import jsonify
@app.route('/_get_payload', methods=['POST'])
def get_payload():
data = request.form['text']
# prints the user input written in the textarea
return jsonify({
"sth": "sth"
Things you should bear in mind are:
can send back to the client only serilized objects, reffer to: Flask jsonify a list of objects