I'm trying to integrate zsh on my VSC setup but apparently arrows are not recognized by it.
My zsh theme is agnoster and I've already tried adding "terminal.integrated.fontFamily": "Meslo LG M DZ for Powerline"
with no success. Anyone experienced something like this and can give me a hand? Thanks.
Most modern shell prompts use particular fonts (e.g. Powerline, NerdFonts, etc.) which are designed to enhance the visual appearance of terminal applications by providing additional symbols, icons, and glyphs. If you don't have this type of font installed in your system you won't be able to see those special symbols.
The fix is pretty straightforward. You will find yourself in one of the following two cases.
This is the easy one. Most probably you just have to tell VSCode to use your terminal font.
Find out and copy your everyday terminal font
iTerm2 › Preferences › Profiles › Text
and copy the Font Name
(e.g. MesloLGS NF
)Set the terminal font on VSCode
in the search box at the top of Settings tabTerminal › Integrated: Font Family
field[Alternatively] Modify the VSCode settings.json
file and add
"terminal.integrated.fontFamily": "MesloLGS NF"
Done! 🎉 Now you should see every symbol correctly
If this is the case you'll probably need to install a compatible font. I like and recommend Nerd Fonts but also Powerline Fonts or Fontawesome Fonts work totally fine.
Download and install a compatible font
font available to all
applications on your system.Set the terminal font on VSCode
in the search box at the top of Settings tabMesloLGS NF
as value into the Terminal › Integrated: Font Family
field[Alternatively] Modify the VSCode settings.json
file and add
"terminal.integrated.fontFamily": "MesloLGS NF"
Done! 🎉 Now you should see every symbol correctly
You can find many different compatible fonts, for instance here https://www.nerdfonts.com/font-downloads. Install them by downloading the tff files as explained and simply change the terminal font setting in VSCode to use them.
I recommend this site https://www.programmingfonts.org/#meslo which gives you a test drive of all the most used programming fonts!