
How to configure Cats Timer on abstract effect type

Let's say I have a following method signature in a project using Cats-effect and tagless final approach:

def schedule[F[_]: Applicative : Async: Timer]

I'm trying to schedule an operation on a schedule method call using pure FP.

I tried this way:

Timer[F].sleep(FiniteDuration(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) *> {

but it didn't work, because effect println("tick") gets executed on Timer initialisation stage.

How can I make it works properly?

Can I also create some kind of recursive construction in order to repeat my scheduled operation each 10 seconds?


  • Applicative[F].pure doesn't delay the effect. It only lifts a pure value into F. Since you have an Async context bound I would suggest Async[F].delay(println("tick")).

    You can easily call it recursively like this:

    def schedule[F[_]: Async: Timer]: F[Unit]
    def repeat[F[_]: Async: Timer]: F[Unit] =
      schedule >> repeat