
Geonames java client: How to retrieve the country and adminName1?

Geonames database works fine for me when to query via WEB. However, there are java packages org.geonames with classes WebService, Toponym and other ones, which seem to do the same from within java application. So, I try to use org.geonames for creating a query like

which, when sending via WEB, returns xml nwith countryName and adminName1 tags. However, I cannot find appropriate method (methods) in org.geonames returning object with countryName and adminName1 by given latitude and longitude.

How do I solve the problem?


  • The methods are in the class Toponym, not in the package. Here is the javadoc with all the methods.

    And here is an example from their website.

    WebService.setUserName("demo"); // add your username here
    ToponymSearchCriteria searchCriteria = new ToponymSearchCriteria();
    ToponymSearchResult searchResult =;
    for (Toponym toponym : searchResult.getToponyms()) {
       System.out.println(toponym.getName()+" "+ toponym.getCountryName());