Response using RestAssured doesn't include all four key value pairs, it works fine in Postman and returns all four values.
UserTests Class
// Create user request number 7 (post request)
System.out.println("test_get_single_user_by_ID_returns_http_404() - User Story 7 CREATE");
Response createUser = (Response) given().queryParam("Content-Type", "application/json")
String createUserResponse = createUser.asString();
JsonPath js = ReUseableMethods.rawToJson(createUserResponse);
Response in console:
required response
"name": "RAK",
"job": "Automation testing",
"id": "683",
"createdAt": "2020-06-26T07:36:28.264Z"
The problem is with your Content Type setting. Content type must be passed as a header and not as a queryParam.
This will return the full object:
Response createUser = (Response) given().header("Content-Type", "application/json")