
How to add test to Manually Registering Events Listener in laravel?

I have a manually registering event and related listener. For this i want to add test so i checked laravel Mocking Test in documentation but i didn't find any way to test manually registering event with parameter listener. So anyone help me how to do this? Below i attached working related code.

Event is calling in the TeamObserver deleting method like below

class TeamObserver
    public function deleting(Team $team)
    event('', array('team' => $team));

Event and Listeners are registered in EventServiceProvider boot method like below

public function boot()

TeamDeletingListener is look like below

class TeamDeletingListener
    public function handle($team)
        \Log::info('Deleting Inventory Module');


  • The simplest way to do this, is to replace the real implementation of your listener with a mocked one. Here's an example test. It will fail if you remove event('', array('team' => $team)); or pass a different team. If I got you right, that's what you want to achieve.

    public function testTeamDeletion()
        // Persist team that should be deleted
        $team       = new Team();
        $team->name = 'My Team';
        // Mock the listener
            function (MockInterface $mock) use ($team) {
                // Expectation
        // Delete team