
Single Http Request to get multiple file data

I'm using Back4app.

My Profile class schema has 4 File columns containing pictures. So when I retrieve an object , I have to make an HTTP request for each file URL and get the byte data like this.

const data = await Parse.Cloud.httpRequest({url:profilePhoto.url()});
return data.buffer.toString('base64');

But for all four files I have to do 4 HTTP requests to the server. Is there anyway to do a batch HTTP request so that with just 1 request I can get data for all 4 files ? My main aim is to do the least amount of requests to the server as possible.


  • There is no out-of-the-box way to retrieve multiple files with one request in Parse Server.

    You could implement your own Parse Cloud Code function to retrieve multiple files, but you would have to manually combine them server side and separate them client side.

    As a starting point you could look at packages like multistream that allow you to combine multiple file streams into one to get some inspiration.