
Acceleo M2T (Cannot access to the my matamodele attributes , references .. )

I am developing a M2T generator in Acceleo (in Obeo Designer). I have created my metamodel based on *.ecore (pfe.ecore ) and then I have created an instance model in runtime (MyModels.pfe) using Sirius.

Now I am trying to generate the java code of MyModels.pfe using Accelo -the class root is InterationSpatiale.

I want to generate a *.java for each of my classes in the diagram here is my generate.mtl file

 [comment encoding = UTF-8 /]
[module generate('')/]
[template public generateElement(myinteractionspatiale : 
[comment @main/]
[file ('.java'), false, 'UTF-8')]

public class [] {

[for (aEAttribute : ecore :: EAttribute | 
   [aEAttribute.eType.instanceClassName/] [];
[for (aEReference : EReference 
  [] [];
[for (aEAttribute : EAttribute | 
  public [aEAttribute.eType.instanceClassName/] 
  get[] () {
    return this.[];
 [for (aEAttribute : EAttribute | 
   public void set[] 
   ([aEAttribute.eType.instanceClassName/] []) {
    this.[] = [];

 [for (aEReference : EReference | 
   public [] 
  get[] () {
    return this.[];

 [for (aEReference : EReference | 
  public void set[] 
  ([] []) {
    this.[] = [];}

[for (aEOperation : EOperation | 
  public [aEOperation.eType.instanceClassName/] [] () {



the generated file I got is

public class App {

java.lang.String name;
Entite entite;
Evenement evenement;
SystemeCoordonnees systemecoordonnees;
TacheSysteme tachesysteme;
RelationSpatiale relationspatiale;
InteractionSpatiale interactionspatiale;
public java.lang.String getName () {
public void setName (java.lang.String name) { = name;

public Entite getEntite () {
    return this.entite;
public Evenement getEvenement () {
    return this.evenement;
public SystemeCoordonnees getSystemecoordonnees () {
    return this.systemecoordonnees;
public TacheSysteme getTachesysteme () {
    return this.tachesysteme;
public RelationSpatiale getRelationspatiale () {
    return this.relationspatiale;
public InteractionSpatiale getInteractionspatiale () {
    return this.interactionspatiale;

public void setEntite (Entite entite) {
    this.entite = entite;
public void setEvenement (Evenement evenement) {
    this.evenement = evenement;
public void setSystemecoordonnees (SystemeCoordonnees systemecoordonnees) 
    this.systemecoordonnees = systemecoordonnees;
public void setTachesysteme (TacheSysteme tachesysteme) {
    this.tachesysteme = tachesysteme;
public void setRelationspatiale (RelationSpatiale relationspatiale) {
    this.relationspatiale = relationspatiale;
public void setInteractionspatiale (InteractionSpatiale 
interactionspatiale) {
    this.interactionspatiale = interactionspatiale;

But what I really wanted is to have a file for each class of the model MyModels.pfe not just the java file of the root class.

kindly check the MyModels.pfe to have an idea about about what I want to generate. ScreenShot of MyModels.pfe

Any help is much appreciated on how to iterate and have a file for each class with its attributes and their values[, ...]


  • aEClass : InteractionSpatiale

    is misleading, you should call it something like myInteractionSpatiale because your parameter is an instance of InteractionSpatiale (in the sense of Java/Acceleo typing).

    In the sense of EMF typing, your myInteractionSpatiale is an EObject that is an instance of the EClass "InteractionSpatiale" you have defined in your metamodel pfe.ecore

    I understand you want to iterate on the attributes of this EClass:
