from other_file import UserBehaviour
class ApiUser(HttpUser):
tasks = [UserBehaviour]
def on_start(self):
# log in and return session id and cookie
# example: self.foo = "foo"
from entry_point import ApiUser
class UserBehaviour(TaskSet):
def do_something(self, session_id, session_cookie)
# use session id and session cookie from user instance running the taskset
# example: print(self.ApiUser.foo)
NOTE: Going through the documentation, I did find that "the User instance can be accessed from within a TaskSet instance through the TaskSet.user", however all my attempts to import the user into the taskset file led to a "cannot import name 'ApiUser' from 'entry_point'"
error. If instead of from entry_point import ApiUser
I do from entry_point import *
, then I get a name 'ApiUser' is not defined
Thank you very much @Cyberwiz for putting me on the right track. I've finally managed to figure out what I was doing wrong... which, as it turns out, was a couple of things.
Firstly, importing ApiUser in other_file.py was incorrect for two reasons: 1) it creates a cyclical dependency, and 2) even if it would eventually work it would import the ApiUser class, not the instance of the ApiUser class.
Secondly, I was previously getting a module locust.user has no attribute {name}
error, and that was because my code looked like this:
class UserBehaviour(TaskSet):
# do something with user.foo
Having figured this out, I honestly have no idea why I thought the above would work. I've changed my code to reflect the example below and everything now works like a charm:
class UserBehaviour(TaskSet):
def do_something(self):
# do something with self.user.foo