I'm attempting to check if a user's ID is in this array and if they are, also get the "text" from it.
const staff = [
user: '245569534218469376',
text: 'dev'
user: '294597887919128576',
text: 'loner'
I've tried if (staff.user.includes(msg.member.id))
(Which I didn't think was going to work, and didn't.)
const findUser = (users, id) => users.find(user => user.id === id)
const usersExample = [
id: '123456765',
text: 'sdfsdfsdsd'
id: '654345676',
text: 'fdgdgdg'
const user = findUser(usersExample, '123456765')
console.log(user && user.text)