
IBM Cloud Functions Python API to open a local file browser to upload file

I'm working on a Watson Assistant chatbot that connects to IBM Cloud Functions through Python API. I want to make the chatbot open a local browser window to upload a file from local machine to save it into a database. I'm intending to do that through IBM Cloud Functions Python API.

However, I'm a bit confused on how to make the python API open a local file browser window to make the user select a file from the local machine.

Any help in that, please?



  • IBM Cloud Functions run on servers in the IBM Cloud. They are intended to run short(er) workloads without any user interaction.

    What you are looking for is a chatbot app which calls into the Watson Assistant service. The app is a wrapper around the dialog service. It gets the user input, sends it to Watson Assistant, receives the answer and prints it for the user.

    As add-on, the app could open a local file browser and send a file to Watson Assistant. Note that Watson Assistant would not know what to do with that file.