
How to get browser version and OS information shown in nightwatch console and use in code?

enter image description here

From above image one can see that when we start running nightwatch, in console we can see browser name, version and OS name and version.

Is there a way to get versions value and use in code just like we used to get platform as

process.platform=win32 or darwin


  • I got the answer from

    module.exports = {
      'Demo test GitHub': function (browser) {
        console.log(browser); // this will output all the details
          .url('')   // visit the url
    so browser object gives following details:

    NightwatchAPI {
       { acceptInsecureCerts: false,
         acceptSslCerts: false,
         applicationCacheEnabled: false,
         browserConnectionEnabled: false,
         browserName: 'chrome',
          { chromedriverVersion:
             '83.0.4103.39 (ccbf011cb2d2b19b506d844400483861342c20cd-refs/branch-heads/4103@{#416})',
             '/var/folders/5l/mgjzx80j4pb1trj_zlqrn7cc0000gp/T/' },
         cssSelectorsEnabled: true,
         databaseEnabled: false,
         'goog:chromeOptions': { debuggerAddress: 'localhost:51082' },
         handlesAlerts: true,
         hasTouchScreen: false,
         javascriptEnabled: true,
         locationContextEnabled: true,
         mobileEmulationEnabled: false,
         nativeEvents: true,
         networkConnectionEnabled: false,
         pageLoadStrategy: 'normal',
         platform: 'Mac OS X',
         proxy: {},
         rotatable: false,
         setWindowRect: true,
         strictFileInteractability: false,
         takesHeapSnapshot: true,
         takesScreenshot: true,
         timeouts: { implicit: 0, pageLoad: 300000, script: 30000 },
         unexpectedAlertBehaviour: 'ignore',
         version: '83.0.4103.116',
         webStorageEnabled: true,
         'webauthn:virtualAuthenticators': true,
         'webdriver.remote.sessionid': '034ce20513343a06554a87cb14d45ce9' },
      currentTest: [Getter],
      desiredCapabilities: null,
      sessionId: '034ce20513343a06554a87cb14d45ce9',

    So if we want something like browser name, version, OS name, etc use below:

    console.log(browser.capabilities.platform) //prints... Mac OS X
    console.log(browser.capabilities.browserName) //prints.. chrome
    console.log(browser.capabilities.version) //prints... 83.0.4103.116