
How ARM Compilers Handle Run Time Errors?

I am trying to generate a run time error such as divide by zero in ARM Cortex M3. I don't know why when I generate divide by zero error system works correctly. However value seems "Infinity"

enter image description here

Does ARM gcc compilers handle these kind of UsageFault errors? I did not implement hardware exception handler yet like Usage Fault, Bus Fault or Mem Manage.


  • In contrast to , no exception is thrown for if an integer division by zero takes place. There is simply returned 0 as the result

    Edit: This only applies to the Cortex-A series. As Jose noted, there is a control register for integer division in the Cortex-M series, as in the case of Floating-point division described in the following. See the link in his answer.

    For floating point operations, the Floating-point Control Register (FPSCR for aarch32 or FPCR for aarch64) is decisive for whether an exception is thrown. If the corresponding bit is set there, an exception is thrown, otherwise only a flag in the Floating-Point Status Register (FPSCR in aarch32 or FPSR in aarch64) is set which then indicates the error. This registers can be set via msr and read via mrs.

    If no exception is thrown, there are the following rules:

    See the pseudocode of FDIV in ARM a64 instruction set architecture.
