
Is this Next.JS folder structure recommended?

We have resorted to this following project structure

|- pages
    |- <page_name>
        |- index.js             # To do a default export of the main component
        |- MainComponent.jsx    # Contains other subcomponents
        |- main-component.css   # CSS for the main component
        |- OtherComponents.jsx  # more than 1 file for child components that are used only in that page
        |- __tests__            # Jest unit and snapshot tests
|- components
    |- index.js                 # Exports all the default components of each component as named exports
    |- CommonCmpnt1
        |- CommonCmpnt1.jsx
        |- common-cmpnt-1.css
        |- index.js             # To default export the component
        |- __tests__
    |- CommonCmpnt2
        |- CommonCmpnt2.jsx
        |- common-cmpnt-2.css
        |- index.js             # To default export the component
        |- __tests__

To clarify, nothing has broken and it works amazingly well. We have components that are reused in multiple pages inside the components directory, where we import as follows

// Assuming we are inside MainComponent.jsx
// ...
import { CommonCmpnt1 } from '../../components';    // We even take it a step further and use absolute imports

Also, components that are used only once reside side-by-side in it's pages folder.

The only problem we face now is the Hot Module reloading is broken, i.e. whenever we edit the .jsx file inside either the pages or the components directory, we have to manually reload the page to see effected changes (It doesn't affect the CSS files). It is something that we've grown accustomed to and so doesn't affect us seriously.

My question is, is there any impending catastrophe that we do not know of?


  • If someone is still interested, I save the file depending on its type in my project, for example:

        |-api              #Axios config to connect to my api
       |-AuthContext.js    #Global context to my app for auth purposes